My Case Study How I Retired

My Case Study How I Retired

How I Went From Welfare to Semi-Retired in 70 Days!

Hey Freedom Seeker, Leo Here : -)
Digital strategist, investor, fundraiser, legacy builder and also known as Tutorman.
I’m here to serve you, give massive value and to complete a legacy!

Back Story:
This is a photo of me and my son Dana living on welfare in emergency accommodation on 28th Feb, 2013. I had been on welfare from 2013 to 2016 raising my son Dana full-time.

I had wished for a better life and I started to imagine what life could be like in the future.
I began finding marketing mentors and I wanted to learn their secrets. I had invested (wasted) $80,000 into mentor’s training programs, software, and website traffic and advertising.

I did become an expert in digital product creation; website creation; website traffic generation; digital and social media marketing.

My Goal and Dream:
It’s Feb 4th, 2016, my 50th birthday and I set my goals and dreams, to make more money in 2016 than I ever had in one year and to get fitter than I have ever been before;
• I write them down on paper;
• I have no business vehicle or opportunity to take me from where I am, on welfare to where I want to be, which is financially free.
• I pray for a miracle;

The Guide:
I remember a friend David, I call him and ask him to show me what he has. He takes me to the opportunity meeting;
• Patricia presents the meeting and she is the best dressed woman I had ever seen. She Introduces Mike who shares his spreadsheet and how the money can be earned;
• I decide during the meeting to become a global leader in that business;
• I meet Mike and he becomes my mentor in the business!

Getting Started:
I decide to get started in the business as quickly as I can!
• I attend regular opportunity meetings and I meet many new members and I learn all I can about the business. I always stay for dinner which is where the ‘insiders’ have the meeting after the meeting.

The Journey:
• I ask David to give me his affiliate link and I sign myself up!
• I wait until the 9th of February, when my social security payment comes in, and I can afford to invest $300 in a profit maximizer.

It’s a 3 Step Simple System:

Step 1 – Complete the Affiliate System Registration;
Step 2 – Get The Profit Maximiser(s);
Step 3 – Share the Business Opportunity with The World!

• I visit the gym every morning to work out for an hour every day and I take consistent daily action on my business in the afternoon for an hour a day doing what I know best from what I had learned from the experts;
• I create a marketing plan to create videos to share my story; interview members; make business presentations; and show prospects how to get started.
• I attend all face to face opportunity meetings. I try to create as much social proof that this thing is real, it’s simple and that it works for members. I try and be as transparent as I can;
• I upload the videos to my 2 Youtube channels and onto my Facebook pages and in Facebook MLM groups.
• I build a marketing website. I add videos to each page of the website, to guide the prospect through an educational journey. They learn about the opportunity, about me, the system, the proof that this business works and how someone can get started in the business. I have many testimonials on the website. I use the magnetic sales blueprint (sales letter) to sell the business;
• I pick low hanging fruit, by contacting my “friends” on Facebook and asking them if they would like to see the Bitcoin revolution? I refer them to the presentation videos and I answer their 20 questions and help them to get started step by step!
• I work together with Mike (founder member) and Noel (Director of Australia) and Luka and Klemen (European Directors) to recruit 3 top affiliate leaders;
• I continue to share my story daily using social media marketing. Using my iPhone and screen capture software I record and produce presentations, and over the shoulder step by step instructional videos that I upload to Facebook and my Youtube channels to share with the world.
• I use Zoom and hold live webinars to train my overseas leaders and downline.
• The plan works and after ~70 days I am making enough passive income to semi-retire. I get off welfare on the 20th of April 2016 and my business supports me;
• My Hot Button is I want to live on the tropical island resort. I visualize myself already on the island and I go ‘ALL IN’ by investing $28,000 in profit maximizers, money that I get from my Superannuation.
• I would repeat my dream out aloud and even tell members at meetings that when the money comes in, I would live my life on the tropical island resort;
• I gain confidence and will power, and with all the digital marketing things I had learned from the online gurus, I was able to put into practice a business that really works.

Conflict and My Biggest Emergency:

• On the 18th of June 2016, like an arrow through my heart, I feel my son and best mate Dana die due to an undetected brain tumor called a medulloblastoma;
• Not his parents, grand parents, doctors or specialists who examined my son over the previous 12 months had any idea that he had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball at the base of his brain, until he passed away in the Box Hill hospital sleeping ward at 2:34 am on the 18th of June 2016.
• To bring meaning and positivity to the passing of my son, I decide to create a legacy to honor him called Dana’s legacy.

  1. Early cancer screening device that is non-invasive to give to hospitals and medical centers;
  2. I give millions to the company creating the device;
  3. I fundraise to create millions for the research and development of cancer early detection equipment. DANA stands for Detection And Neurological Apparatus!

• I suffer mental illness, panic attacks, I cannot focus for 6 months and I stop my business.
• But my business keeps growing and income hits $10,000 per month, all passive income!

My business network grows and I have more than 6400 members;

The Victory:
• There are now more than 30 top leaders in my business;

• My goal and dream comes true! I am making more money than I ever had in a year, and I am fitter physically than I have ever been.

I play my first game of football in 25 years!

I travel to all the places I have wanted to visit because money and time is not a problem. All of a sudden everything was great, the food, the travel, and the lifestyle on the tropical island resort.

I had discovered the secret to financial freedom and doing certain things in the certain way!

It’s a business strategy that I have used again successfully on other businesses and I can use the same system over again.

I am looking forward to working with you and If you are the right person, you can become my business partner and then we can take the best opportunity to the next level and make it a movement! Cool or cool, It’s absolutely awesome!

I Went to the Tropical Island Resort! I Went to the Peak and Met a Chinese Media Star.

Relaxing in a Pool and a Nice View from Home.

Great Barrier Reef and Helicopter Flight!

I Went to Hong Kong!

I Went to Shanghai, The Bund and Shanghai Tower (2nd Tallest Building in the World @636 meters)

I Stayed in the Hilton Hotel and I Had Lunch and Talked Business!

Lunch at Big Bamboo and Dinner at an Italian Restaurant!

I Took a Fast Train to Hangzhou First Class!

I Looked at West Lake Hangzhou, Lover’s Bridge, Climbed The West Lake Hill!

I Went to Guangzhou and Visited an Old Friend and Took a Motorbike Taxi! (Scary)

I Flew to Perth, Checked Out The Beaches and Went to Freemantle for a History Lesson!

I Went to Margaret River and a Winery Tour!

I Got Started with a Red Wine!

The Best Fresh Fish, Chips and Salad with Beer and Then On To Jon’s Barrel For More Red Wine!

I Flew Back to The Tropical Island Resort for Go Carting and Jet Skiing.

The Freedom Lifestyle and Choices:
Imagine if you became semi-retired? What would your life look like for you?

All stress had been removed from my shoulders, physical, mental, emotional and psychological.
It is great when you are free!

When you write down your goals, emotionalize them and make a plan and take massive action towards your goal and dream, you can have anything you want in life!

Family, health, finances, education, entertainment, spiritual, it’s all waiting for you!
What would you do if you had the time and money?

Would you eat out? What type of foods would you eat and what restaurants would you choose?

What about travel? Which cities would you like to visit? Would you take a friend with you or would you take your family? You could travel anytime to any place!

Imagine if…
You made $10,000 or $100,000 per month… What would you do with it?
Would you buy a new car? What type of car would it be?
Now that you are making more than you could imagine, would you buy a new home…?
Maybe you would like to have one designed for you, just the way you really want it!
How big would your house be, how many bedrooms and bathrooms?
Would you have an indoor or outdoor pool?
What other rooms would you have? Where would you live?
Would you live in the city, the countryside or on the beach?

My Dream Home: Living on the Tropical Island Resort!

The great thing is, there is no stress when you are financially free!
Financial Success = Dream + Vehicle + Work

Are you ready to take action to make your goals and dreams come true?

Sure! But we need a proven business vehicle and a marketing plan right?
Yes, success online or offline requires skill, and doing things in the certain way.
There are different roadmaps to success but the best ‘shortcut’ is to find a mentor; with a proven step by step program; and to focus.
Your mentor Tutorman will give you the proven business vehicle (opportunity) and step by step blueprint; he will help you to focus and overcome all of your challenges in real-time so that you can meet with success quickly and easily!
Cool or cool, it’s absolutely awesome!

To our success,

I’m Leo Hokkanen also known as Tutorman
‘Helping people to help themselves and freeing the world’.

New Discovery:
“I’m in love with this new business”
When you want to see my new super awesome business vehicle I’m using now to make my goals and dreams come true, Click the Button Below or Link in the Description and Enter Your Details into the Form and I look forward to working with you!

In 2016, I went from welfare to semi-retired in 70 days and I have generated revenue of $8.49 million dollars online, but this is not about me and my story.

One of my guru coaches, and I’ve had at least 10 of them, earned more than $250 million online marketing in-demand digital products and services in the education space. 

These hot-selling products include affiliate marketing and e-learning business; coaching/consulting, events and masterminds!

What makes me different is I’m here to serve you, I give more massive value than anyone else in the industry and in the process, we are creating a legacy!

The great thing is, we do everything on your behalf to set up your multimillion dollar marketing system tools and resources to get leads and sales on autopilot…

And ALL you need to take care of is 3 simple and easy tasks:

Step 1 – Sign up,

Step 2 – Maximize profit, and

Step 3 – Share your affiliate link with the world!

 Get all the detail by clicking the My Case Study How I Retired image on this page.


My Case Study How I Retired

The System is the answer,

The Ultimate Marketing System

Traffic Strategies That Work

And the ‘Opportunity of a Lifetime’

When you combine these things and when you tell your unique story then magic can happen.

It works when you have these 3 things:

I found another mentor and he’s my coach in my corner and this makes me feel ‘unstoppable’ and then I started to take ‘imperfect action’ towards my goals using methods I had learned from the gurus.

I used the subliminal mind method of visualization and feeling I had already possessed my dream. I could see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, smell it, and taste it.

I used a youtube marketing method and I created the ultimate marketing system.

This is the same method and system that helped me to make $8.49 million working just an hour every day.

It’s real simple and easy, when I would upload videos to Youtube with links promoting my website and then I would answer prospects 20 questions on Facebook to close the sales with my ideal customers.

After they had become a customer, I would personally train them and support them and help them to overcome any challenges in real time.

This system is proven helping me to generate $8.49 million working just an hour each day…

As your coach in your corner if you have 

Got Any Questions, you can text me here at +61466662316. 

I will text you with a link to download a coaching app, that will help me answer your questions in real time, 18/7/365.

Cool or cool? It’s absolutely awesome!


You can see My Case Study How I Retired below.

How I Got Started?

In the beginning, I made the 3 biggest mistakes marketers make,

I had no mentor who could help me focus and overcome my challenges in real time!

I had no proven marketing program to follow that was step by step!

I had no focus and no way of overcoming my challenges when I encountered them!

I wasted a lot of time and money and this went on for years!

I had a business of my nightmares and I was not able to even pay the tools bills that run my business, and this continued until I finally fixed things!

How I felt?

It was so bad being broke, and on welfare that every 2 weeks, I would spend all my dole/jobseeker payment of $600 on the first few days, paying for food and rent and then I had to eat spaghetti and cereal for the next 2 weeks.

I had failed to build a successful online business until I found a mentor who was an expert in traffic; a second mentor that was an expert in building sales funnels and a third mentor that was an expert in digital product creation!

I then started to apply what I had learned from the experts!

Why did I start my journey to financial freedom?

In the beginning I wanted to become financially free and live on the tropical island resort.



My calling in life, my reason why I do what I do?

For me it comes down to what do I want to do the most in my life for the rest of my life and my answer is

“I’m on this planet to complete my son Dana’s legacy. In Box Hill hospital I watched as my 5 year old son and best mate Dana died from an undetected brain tumor called a medulloblastoma. 

To bring meaning and positivity to the passing of my son, I decided to create a legacy in his name, and to create a device that detects cancer non-invasively and to give millions towards the development of these technologies in major cancer institutions.

…and to get the technology into the hands of doctors and those who want to check for cancer”.

It’s time for me to make things happen, and complete a legacy, how about you?

So I’m here to help people who want to start and grow their own online businesses at warp speed…

Get started today…