Digital Product Blueprint By Tutorman


Hey Friend, Leo here 🙂

I’m here to serve you, give massive value in my capacity as a marketing coach and 7 figure digital marketer, and to complete a legacy!

Imagine If – You had an entrepreneur as your marketing coach in your corner?

Imagine If – You had a proven marketing blueprint to follow that was step by step?

Imagine If – You had focus and someone to help you overcome your marketing challenges in Real Time?

Work with Me and you will learn how to start and grow your dream business step by step with me!

You are here to Start and Grow the Business of Your Dreams. True or true?

I am here as your marketing coach to help you succeed online using a proven program that is step by step.

*Select any blueprint, and watch the training video first. Then if you have any marketing challenge, I will give you marketing coaching in real time to help you set up the marketing strategies quickly and easily.

Cool or Cool? It’s absolutely awesome!

Let’s get started now, with the Digital Product Blueprint.


Digital Product Blueprint By Tutorman

Digital Product Blueprint Training Video (Coming Soon)

7 Types of Digital Products You Can Create to Start and Grow the Business of Your Dreams Step by Step!

Digital Product Creation Blueprint

7 Types of Digital Products

Here are seven different ways to create digital products, along with detailed descriptions and two examples for each method, taking into account my business focused on marketing digital products, educational training videos, and storytelling software:

  1. Information Products

Description: Information products involve packaging valuable knowledge or expertise into digital formats. These products can include e-books, guides, templates, and reports. They cater to individuals seeking specific information or solutions.


Marketing E-Books: Create comprehensive e-books on various marketing topics, such as “Advanced SEO Strategies” or “Social Media Advertising Tactics.”

Marketing Templates: Develop customizable marketing templates for social media posts, email campaigns, or content calendars.

  1. Online Courses and Training

Description: Online courses and training programs offer structured learning experiences in a digital format. These products are ideal for teaching skills, sharing expertise, and providing in-depth education.


Digital Marketing Course: Develop a comprehensive online course covering digital marketing fundamentals, advanced strategies, and best practices.

Video Marketing Workshops: Offer video-based training sessions on video creation, optimization, and marketing strategies.

  1. Software and Tools

Description: Software and tools cater to specific tasks, offering automation, efficiency, or unique functionalities. These products can range from marketing analytics software to content creation tools.


Storytelling Software: Create software that assists marketers in crafting compelling stories for their campaigns, complete with templates and multimedia integration.

Marketing Analytics Tool: Develop an analytics platform that provides insights into campaign performance, audience behavior, and ROI measurement.

  1. Mobile Apps

Description: Mobile apps are software applications designed for smartphones and tablets. They serve various purposes, from entertainment to productivity and can include marketing or educational apps.


Marketing Strategy App: Build a mobile app that offers marketing planning tools, idea generators, and industry news feeds.

Marketing Gamification App: Create a gamified app that teaches marketing concepts through interactive challenges and quizzes.

  1. Membership Sites

Description: Membership sites grant exclusive access to premium content, resources, or communities in exchange for a subscription fee. These sites are suitable for ongoing education and community engagement.


Marketing Insider Community: Establish a membership site providing access to expert webinars, industry reports, and a private marketing forum.

Educational Video Library: Offer a membership site with a library of exclusive educational marketing videos and resources.

  1. Digital Art and Creative Content

Description: Digital art and creative content products include graphic designs, illustrations, animations, and multimedia assets. They cater to marketers and content creators seeking visually appealing materials.


Marketing Graphics Pack: Create a bundle of marketing-themed graphics, including logos, infographics, and social media templates.

Animated Explainer Videos: Produce animated videos that explain marketing concepts or products in an engaging manner.

  1. Web-based Platforms and SaaS

Description: Software as a Service (SaaS) and web-based platforms offer online solutions accessible through web browsers. They can provide a range of marketing or educational functionalities.


Online Marketing Course Platform: Develop a SaaS platform that allows educators to create and sell online marketing courses.

Content Marketing Collaboration Platform: Build a web-based platform that streamlines content creation, collaboration, and distribution for marketing teams.

Each of these digital product creation methods presents unique opportunities to cater to your target audience, combining marketing blueprints, educational training videos, and storytelling software as components or complementary assets within the products you offer.

Digital Product Creation Blueprint

7 most important steps when creating digital products

Here’s a table outlining the 7 most important steps when creating digital products:

Step Name

Description of the Step

Action Steps

Best Tools and Resources

1. Idea Generation

Generate and validate ideas for digital products.

– Brainstorm product concepts and features.

– Brainstorming sessions with team members.


– Conduct market research to identify demand and trends.

– Online survey tools (e.g., SurveyMonkey).


– Validate ideas through user surveys and feedback.

– User feedback collection tools (e.g., Typeform).

2. Market Analysis

Analyze the market to understand competition and trends.

– Research competitors and their digital products.

– Competitor analysis tools (e.g., SEMrush).


– Identify gaps and opportunities in the market.

– Market research reports (e.g., Statista).


– Monitor industry trends and emerging technologies.

– Trend analysis tools (e.g., Google Trends).

3. Planning & Strategy

Develop a comprehensive plan and strategy for the product.

– Create a product roadmap and timeline.

– Project management tools (e.g., Trello).


– Define pricing strategy and revenue model.

– Pricing strategy guides and templates.


– Outline marketing and promotion strategies.

– Marketing plan templates and guides.

4. Content Creation

Develop the digital product content and features.

– Create product content, such as blueprints or videos.

– Content creation tools (e.g., Adobe Creative Cloud).


– Build user-friendly interfaces for software products.

– UI/UX design tools (e.g., Figma, Sketch).


– Develop software features based on user needs.

– Programming languages and development frameworks.

5. Quality Assurance

Ensure the quality and functionality of the digital product.

– Test digital products for functionality and usability.

– Testing and QA tools (e.g., Selenium, Jira).


– Gather user feedback through beta testing.

– Beta testing platforms (e.g., TestFlight).


– Address bugs, errors, and performance issues.

– Debugging and performance optimization tools.

6. Launch and Promotion

Prepare for the product launch and create awareness.

– Plan a launch event or promotional campaign.

– Email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp).


– Develop promotional content and marketing materials.

– Graphic design tools (e.g., Canva).


– Utilize social media, content marketing, and SEO.

– Social media management tools (e.g., Buffer).

7. Customer Support

Provide customer support and engage with users.

– Establish customer support channels (email, chat).

– Customer support software (e.g., Zendesk).


– Create user communities or forums for discussions.

– Forum hosting platforms (e.g., Discourse).


– Gather and analyze user feedback for improvements.

– Feedback collection and analysis tools.

Digital Product Creation Blueprint

Creating a comprehensive product creation blueprint for digital products like marketing blueprints, educational online marketing training videos, and storytelling software involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed guide with specific action steps for each stage and five examples for each step:

Step 1: Idea Generation and Validation

Description: Start by generating product ideas and validating their potential.

Action Steps:

Brainstorm Ideas: Host idea-generation sessions with your team.

Market Research: Analyze industry trends, customer needs, and competition.

Validation: Conduct surveys or interviews with your target audience to gauge interest.

Competitor Analysis: Identify gaps and opportunities in the market by studying competitors.

Keyword Research: Use SEO tools to discover trending topics and keywords in the digital marketing space.

Step 2: Product Planning and Strategy

Description: Create a detailed plan for each product, outlining goals and strategies.

Action Steps:

Product Roadmap: Develop a timeline for product development.

Pricing Strategy: Determine pricing models for each product.

Marketing Strategy: Create a comprehensive marketing plan.

Content Strategy: Outline the topics and structure of your marketing blueprints and training videos.

User Persona Development: Create detailed user personas to guide product development and marketing efforts.

Step 3: Content Creation and Development

Description: Begin creating the content for your products.

Action Steps:

Blueprint Creation: Develop marketing blueprints with actionable strategies and templates.

Video Production: Produce high-quality training videos with engaging content.

Software Development: Build the storytelling software, focusing on user-friendliness and functionality.

Scriptwriting: Write engaging scripts for video content.

Graphic Design: Create visually appealing assets and illustrations for blueprints and video content.

Step 4: Quality Assurance and Testing

Description: Ensure the quality and functionality of your products.

Action Steps:

Testing: Conduct thorough testing of your blueprints, videos, and software.

User Feedback: Collect feedback from beta testers and early users.

Iterate: Make improvements and fixes based on feedback and testing results.

Accessibility Testing: Ensure that all content and software features are accessible to a diverse audience.

Performance Optimization: Optimize the speed and responsiveness of your software and video hosting platforms.

Step 5: Launch and Promotion

Description: Prepare for the official launch and create a buzz around your products.

Action Steps:

Launch Plan: Create a detailed launch plan, including marketing and promotional activities.

Content Marketing: Develop promotional content to build anticipation.

Email Campaigns: Build excitement through email marketing, including pre-launch and post-launch sequences.

Social Media Promotion: Leverage various social media platforms to create awareness.

Influencer Outreach: Collaborate with industry influencers to promote your products.

Step 6: Customer Support and Engagement

Description: Provide exceptional customer support and engage with your audience.

Action Steps:

Customer Support Channels: Set up channels for customer inquiries and support.

Community Building: Create a user community or forum for sharing experiences.

Feedback Loop: Gather customer feedback to improve your products continually.

Content Updates: Regularly update and expand your marketing blueprints and training videos.

Live Webinars and Q&A Sessions: Host live events to engage with your audience and provide additional value.

Step 7: Continuous Improvement

Description: Continuously refine and enhance your products based on feedback and market changes.

Action Steps:

Feedback Analysis: Analyze customer feedback and usage data.

Product Updates: Plan and execute regular updates and improvements.

Market Monitoring: Stay aware of industry trends and competition.

Scaling: Explore opportunities to scale your product offerings or expand into new markets.

Partnerships: Consider strategic partnerships with other digital marketing tools or platforms to enhance your product’s value proposition.

This product creation blueprint provides a comprehensive framework for developing and launching your digital products successfully. Remember to stay agile and adapt your strategies based on evolving market conditions and user feedback to ensure long-term success.

Cool or cool? It’s absolutely awesome!

Go for it!


P.S. – Connect with me here at

Mobile: +61466662316

What is a Digital Product?

A digital product is a product or service that is delivered electronically or in a digital format, typically over the internet or through digital devices. These products exist purely in a digital form, meaning they do not have a physical presence. Digital products can take various forms and serve a wide range of purposes. Some common examples include:

Software Applications: These can include computer programs, mobile apps, and web applications that provide various functionalities or services.

Ebooks and Digital Publications: Digital books, magazines, journals, and other written content that can be read on electronic devices such as e-readers, tablets, or smartphones.

Digital Downloads: This category includes music, movies, video games, and other media that can be purchased and downloaded online.

Online Courses and Educational Content: These are digital materials designed for learning and skill development, often delivered through e-learning platforms.

Digital Art and Design: Digital drawings, illustrations, animations, and graphic design work created using digital tools and software.

Subscription Services: Digital products/services that are offered on a subscription basis, such as streaming platforms, SaaS (Software as a Service), and content membership sites.

Webinars and Virtual Events: Live or recorded online presentations, conferences, and events.

Templates and Digital Assets: Pre-designed templates, stock photos, icons, and other digital resources for use in creative projects.

Digital Marketing Products: Tools and services for online marketing, including email marketing platforms, SEO software, and analytics tools.

Web-Based Tools: Online tools and utilities that perform specific functions, such as project management software, collaboration platforms, and cloud-based storage solutions.

Digital products offer several advantages, including accessibility, scalability, and the ability to reach a global audience. They are often distributed through websites, app stores, online marketplaces, and other digital channels. Additionally, digital products can be updated and improved more easily than physical products, making them a popular choice for businesses in the digital age.

To your financial freedom,
