My Story

My Story Background My Dream Big Mistakes The Guide The Journey 'Partner' Conflict The Tool Breakthrough New Discovery Victory!

Hey Friend, Leo here:-)

Business coach, investor, fundraiser, legacy builder and also known as Tutorman. 

I’m here to serve you, give massive value in my capacity as a business coach and 7 figure digital marketer and to complete a legacy.

I had been a teacher in China, where I met my wife and we had a son called Dana.

Goal + Dream:
My son Dana had turned one and I wanted to give my family a better life, and to be a full-time dad.

I had no idea so I searched Google for ‘make money online’.

Without knowing where to start and what to do, I spent the next 3 months full-time aimlessly trying different ways to make money as an affiliate marketer, but didn’t make any money at all.

With my tail between my legs I went back to work as an English teacher!

I had made the 3 biggest mistakes marketers make!
I had no coach or mentor who could guide me;
I had no proven success program to follow;
I had no focus or someone to help me overcome my technical challenges in real time!

I got started, called myself Tutorman, and my moto was:
‘Helping people to help themselves’.

The Guide:
On my return to Australia in Jan 2013, I started to build my company…

I had failed because I didn’t have a coach and while chatting to a friend,

He told me about a guru marketer in Australia and I went and Googled him.

The Journey:
I found his website, opted into his online form; I bought a $20 workbook to his free live marketing seminar, and attended.

I listened to 6 hours of training, and when he said, ‘if you’d like to partner with me, there is a desk at the back of the room where you can sign up’.

When I heard ‘partner with me’, that’s exactly what I wanted, I wanted a coach that I could partner with, and my thinking was that having a guru partner would guarantee my success before I began!

I ran to the back of the room, was the first in line and took out my debit card….

Little did I know, but my coach was a master copywriter, and he knew exactly how to write advertisements and to get a response from the listener or reader and he was also a master sales presenter and he knew exactly how to sell his own scripted marketing message from the stage to the point that it sounded natural and sincere!

I then paid for the $4997 coaching program. …Ouch!

I was so excited that I had a new coach and a new marketing training program to follow. I received the workbooks and DVDs in the mail and I travelled to the Gold Coast to attend the training workshop.

I booked into the Hilton hotel and attended the training workshop.

Little did I know, that day one was, The ‘Pitchfest’ Day.

This is where the guru brings in all his marketing mates and they sell you everything under the Sun, including the Facebook Formulas.

Everything from copywriting coaching, Facebook marketing, wealth and mindset coaching, and webinar coaching, etc…

I was a student, I looked up to my coach and I felt I could miss out on this valuable information

I may need one day in the future for my business.

I bought all the programs i could, I had now invested more than $13,000, plus travel, accommodation and expenses… Triple Ouch!

These are some of the dirty little marketing secrets of that guru!

But, did I get scammed or did I make a shrewd investment into my education?

At the workshop I asked my guru coach, If he was starting out from scratch and he had $1-2000, what kind of website traffic would he spend it on?

He said ‘solo advertising.’

I then found the website and spent money on advertising, $5000 on 35 solo ads

But only got a return of around $250… and a list of 1000 people

The Tool:
My coach gave me a ‘ready made sales funnel’ that I could send website traffic to with the possibility of me generating sales and commissions!

I made my first $1000 commission, selling my coach’s marketing training program as an affiliate!

But, I had to wait 6 weeks to get paid.

I had no custom landing page/optin form, no pre-frame page, and there was no visitor tracking system, so I didn’t know where or how I got that sale!

My Investment `$20,000, and My Return = $1250’. Big mistake…, huge!

The problem here was my coach was not there to hold my hand and prevent me from making mistakes.

I lost my trust in my first coach because of his advice about advertising without educating me on how to succeed at solos, and I then left his coaching program!

I found other coaches in sales funnel building and online traffic generation.

I so much wanted to build and grow the business of my dreams in order to complete my son Dana’s legacy.

New Discovery:
I had met another Internet marketing expert who gave me massive value with his quality videos, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps as an affiliate marketer and one day soon sell my digital products to the world.

I admire his integrity, his commitment to helping me and others.

I learned his money and time freedom shortcut.

He is a friend who guides me, and gives me great advice, and solves my technical challenges with his step by step training videos and Facebook members community.

He is available there for me to ask questions and get assistance, at any time should I need it!

He gave me a proven training program, that I can follow to build and grow the business of my dreams, and He gave me Clarity and Focus and now

I spend one hour each day towards my dreams and goals and more importantly to complete Dana’s legacy!

The journey to freedom requires you to have a dream, a proven plan and strategy and then take consistent daily action.

I have put together a gift called My case study how I retired that shows you how I went from welfare to creating a business that generated $8.49 million within 12 months

…And once you sign up to my newsletter you will receive instant access to the Tutorman Blueprint, step by step video and guide.

Cool or cool, it’s absolutely awesome!

To your success,


I look forward to giving you more value in the next video!

How ANYONE Can Start the #1 Beginner Friendly Fully Automated Business From Home