Tutorman Blueprint

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Tutorman Blueprint for Marketers

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12 keys when starting and growing a successful digital product business

July 3, 2023 by Leo Hokkanen

Do you need an online business plan?

If your online business is struggling to make a profit and you want to grow your business faster, the business strategy session is a must attend or watch. Here are the 12 things that I will cover in your business strategy session to help you make a clear business plan and know what to focus on going forward.

Mindset for Success

Visualization techniques, such as seeing yourself already in possession of your goal and dream, create a powerful mental image that aligns your subconscious mind with your desired outcome. By vividly imagining yourself achieving success, you strengthen your belief and motivation to overcome obstacles.

Engaging all five senses during visualization amplifies its effectiveness. By incorporating sensory details like the seeing yourself already in possession of your goal; sounds, smells, tastes, what you can touch, and what you are feeling associated with your desired achievement, you create a more immersive experience that enhances the power of your visualization.

Confidence in the universe and the power of your subconscious mind is essential. Trust that the universe will support your endeavors and that your subconscious mind, the most powerful force within you, can attract opportunities, solutions, and resources to overcome challenges and manifest your goals.

It is crucial to have a well-defined plan and diligently work towards it. Define your goals, break them down into actionable steps, and create a roadmap to guide your progress. With a clear plan in place, you can focus your energy and efforts effectively.

Consistent daily action is a key component of success. Commit to working on your plan for at least an hour each day, dedicating focused time to tasks that move you closer to your goals. Consistency builds momentum, develops discipline, and maximizes the likelihood of achieving your desired results.

In addition to visualization techniques, having a coach who can provide guidance, a proven plan that has yielded results for others, and the commitment to put in daily work are invaluable resources that can support you in manifesting your goals and dreams in the material world.


Goal Card

On a card, or piece of paper, write down your goal with a date and sign it.

“I have in my possession $5000, on this day the 18th of July, 2023.” 10072023.

“I have in my possession $50,000, on this day the 18th of August, 2023.” 10072023.

Signed Ricky Hokkanen.


Close your eyes and imagine already holding the money in your hands. Emotionalize it, by seeing feeling smelling the cash in your hand, and repeat the sentences many times over each day, and especially before bed in the evening.

Let your subconscious mind go to work on it.

Of course in order to succeed you need to follow the formula, FS = D + V + W

Financial success is equal to a dream plus a vehicle plus work.

The dream is what you write down on your goal card; the vehicle is the business plan you have like a business opportunity, or a digital online business and the way you are going to obtain those riches; and you must work for your goals and dreams. It’s Okay to work smart.

On another goal card write down your dream as you see it.

This is my longer term dream.

“I get goose bumps and I have tears in my eyes as I am sitting here in my arm chair, in my living room, of my dream home, watching my wife and 2 young children playing on the floor.” The date is 18062026. Signed Ricky Hokkanen.

Practical examples of how you can do this, based on what has worked for me. See the ‘Blue Vase’ and ‘My Case Study’ for other specific actionable steps.

Unique Value Proposition

Your digital product should offer a unique value proposition that sets it apart from competitors. Clearly define how your product solves a specific problem or fulfills a need for your target audience. Highlight the benefits and advantages that make your product compelling and desirable.

“I can personally help you to overcome your challenges in real time. Using the best tools, resources and services can accelerate your success, and save you time and money, but most importantly, help you to start earning online quickly and easily.”

Market Research and Target Audience

and Thorough market research is crucial to identify your target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct market analysis, gather feedback, and engage with potential customers to refine your product offering and tailor your marketing strategies effectively.

Product Development and Quality

Invest time and effort in developing a high-quality digital product that delivers on its promises. Ensure that it is user-friendly, reliable, and provides an exceptional user experience. Regularly update and improve your product based on customer feedback to maintain its relevance and competitiveness.

Digital products can be created in 3 ways.

  1. If you are an expert or can research effectively, you can create them yourself using product creation tools.
  2. You can hire an expert or interview an expert using a questionnaire and then create a product from that interview.
  3. You can buy readymade digital products based on your topics from high quality private label rights websites or from experts.

Effective Marketing and Promotion

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to reach and engage your target audience. Utilize a mix of digital marketing channels such as social media marketing, high quality content marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization to create awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads. Leverage compelling messaging and storytelling techniques to communicate the value of your product effectively.

Customer Support and Engagement

Providing excellent customer support is crucial for building trust and loyalty. Establish multiple channels of communication and promptly address customer inquiries, concerns, and issues. Engage with your customers through social media, forums, and communities to foster a sense of belonging and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

Pricing Strategy and Monetization

Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with the value your digital product offers. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing. Explore different monetization models, such as one-time purchases, subscriptions, or freemium options, to optimize revenue generation.

Seamless Payment Processing

Ensure that your online business has a secure and seamless payment processing system. Integrate reliable payment gateways that support various payment methods to offer convenience and flexibility to your customers. Implement robust security measures to protect customer information and build trust.

Scalability and Growth Potential

Design your digital product and business infrastructure to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate growth. Anticipate future demand and plan for scalability in terms of server capacity, customer support, and backend systems. Continuously innovate and explore opportunities to expand your product line or enter new markets.

Paid video advertisements, search engine ads, and social media ads and remarketing are methods that can help you grow your online business more quickly.

Data Analytics and Optimization

Leverage data analytics tools to gather insights on user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and use the data to optimize your marketing campaigns, product features, and user experience. Data-driven decision-making allows you to make informed adjustments and maximize the profitability of your online business.

A Proven Multimillion Dollar Website

Using a proven website and sales funnel is important. The structure, and way you can take the customer on a journey from a visitor to know you, like you and trust you is all important.

Affiliate Marketing or Reward System

Having a reward system and a Team of Top Affiliates and Influencers will help to increase your customer base and can be one of the most effective strategies you could use with your online business.

Remember, building a successful digital product online business requires continuous learning, adaptation, and a customer-centric approach. Stay abreast of industry trends, embrace feedback, and continuously innovate to stay ahead of the competition and deliver value to your customers.

To your success



When setting up a website on WordPress what are the Action points?

Here are 100 action steps when setting up a professional website That sells coaching digital products and coaching services on WordPress.

  1. Choose your Domain: Select a domain that reflects your brand identity. Service: GoDaddy
  2. Register your Domain: Purchase your domain through a domain registrar. Service: GoDaddy or Namecheap
  3. Select a Hosting Provider: Choose a reliable host for your WordPress site. Service: Wealthy Affiliate or Bluehost
  4. Sign Up for Hosting: Purchase a hosting plan suitable for your needs.
  5. Install WordPress: Most hosts offer one-click WordPress installations.
  6. Set Up Business Email: Establish a professional email address using your domain. Service: See Godaddy where your domain was bought.
  7. Pick a WordPress Theme: Find a theme suitable for a coaching website. Service: Themeforest. GeneratePress is a lightweight WordPress theme that focuses on speed, stability, and accessibility.
  8. Install your Theme: Upload and activate your chosen theme.
  9. Customize your Theme: Adjust the design elements to match your brand.
  10. Set Up Essential Pages: Create pages like “Home,” “About,” “Services,” “Contact,” etc.
  11. Write Home Page Content: Clearly articulate what you offer and how you help.
  12. Write About Page Content: Share your story and credentials.
  13. Detail Coaching Services: Create pages for each service you offer.
  14. Detail Coaching Products: Create pages for each digital product you sell.
  15. Install SEO Plugin: Boost your search engine visibility. Service: Yoast SEO
  16. Configure SEO Plugin: Set up metadata, sitemaps, etc.
  17. Research Keywords: Find what your potential clients are searching for.
  18. Optimize Content for SEO: Incorporate keywords into your content.
  19. Install Security Plugin: Protect your site from threats. Service: Wordfence
  20. Set Up Website Backups: Regularly back up your site. Service: UpdraftPlus
  21. Set Up Google Analytics: Track your website’s traffic. Service: Google Analytics
  22. Connect Site to Google Search Console: Monitor and optimize your site’s presence in Google search results. Service: Google Search Console
  23. Install Contact Form Plugin: Allow clients to reach you easily. Service: Contact Form 7
  24. Create a Contact Form: Customize your form to collect needed information.
  25. Place Contact Form on Contact Page: Embed the form onto your contact page.
  26. Install Social Sharing Plugin: Allow visitors to share your content. Service: AddToAny
  27. Set Up Social Sharing Buttons: Customize the look and location of your share buttons.
  28. Install E-commerce Plugin: Enable the selling of digital products. Service: WooCommerce
  29. Configure E-commerce Plugin: Set up payment options, shipping, taxes, etc.
  30. Add Digital Products to Store: Include images, descriptions, prices, etc.
  31. Set Up Payment Processor: Enable a way to accept payments. Service: Stripe, PayPal
  32. Install SSL Certificate: Secure your site and build trust with visitors. Most hosts offer free SSL.
  33. Create a Blog: Set up a blog to share your insights and attract visitors.
  34. Write & Publish Initial Blog Posts: Aim for a variety of posts that showcase your expertise.
  35. Install Mailing List Plugin: Collect email addresses for marketing. Service: MailChimp for WordPress
  36. Create Mailing List: Set up a list in your email marketing platform. Service: MailChimp
  37. Set Up Email Opt-in Form: Place a form on your site where visitors can sign up for your list.
  38. Create Email Welcome Series: Write automated emails that new subscribers will receive.
  39. Install Live Chat Plugin: Offer real-time support to visitors. Service: Tidio Live Chat
  40. Configure Live Chat: Set your available hours, automated messages, etc.
  41. Create FAQ Page: Anticipate and answer potential questions from visitors.
  42. Install Appointment Booking Plugin: Allow clients to book sessions right from your site. Service: Bookly
  43. Set Up Booking System: Include your availability, session types, etc.
  44. Test Booking System: Ensure it works correctly.
  45. Create Testimonials Page: Show off reviews from past clients.
  46. Gather & Add Testimonials: Request testimonials and add them to your site.
  47. Link Social Media Accounts: Include links to your social media profiles.
  48. Install Image Optimization Plugin: Speed up your site by optimizing images. Service: Smush
  49. Optimize Images: Use the plugin to reduce the file size of your images.
  50. Test Site Speed: Make sure your site loads quickly. Service: Google PageSpeed Insights
  51. Improve Site Speed: Use insights from your speed test to make improvements.
  52. Test Site on Various Devices: Make sure your site looks good on desktop, mobile, and tablets.
  53. Make Adjustments for Mobile: Improve your site’s mobile appearance and usability.
  54. Install Caching Plugin: Speed up your site by installing a caching plugin. Service: W3 Total Cache
  55. Configure Caching Plugin: Set up the plugin for optimal performance.
  56. Set Up a Privacy Policy Page: Include a privacy policy to be transparent with visitors.
  57. Install GDPR Plugin: Make sure you comply with GDPR. Service: GDPR Cookie Consent
  58. Configure GDPR Plugin: Set up cookie consent and other GDPR requirements.
  59. Install Accessibility Plugin: Make your site more accessible. Service: WP Accessibility
  60. Improve Site Accessibility: Use the plugin to make improvements for users with disabilities.
  61. Create Sitemap: A sitemap helps search engines crawl your site. Service: Google XML Sitemaps
  62. Submit Sitemap to Google: Submit your sitemap through: Display your latest social media posts on your site. Service: Smash Balloon
  63. Configure Social Media Feed: Decide where and how your feed will display.
  64. Create Media Kit: A media kit can help you land collaborations and sponsorships.
  65. Add Media Kit to Site: Upload your media kit and add a link to it on your site.
  66. Create Press Page: A press page showcases any media coverage you’ve received.
  67. Add Press Page to Site: Upload any press features and add a link to your press page on your site.
  68. Install Membership Plugin: If offering memberships, you’ll need a way to manage them. Service: MemberPress
  69. Set Up Membership Levels: Decide on the different membership levels you’ll offer and what each includes.
  70. Configure Membership Plugin: Set up payment options, membership pages, etc.
  71. Add Affiliate Program: Allow others to earn money by promoting your products. Service: AffiliateWP
  72. Configure Affiliate Program: Set up commission rates, payout methods, etc.
  73. Promote Affiliate Program: Add a page on your site explaining your affiliate program and how to join.
  74. Install Forum Plugin: If you want a community forum, you’ll need a plugin to create it. Service: bbPress
  75. Set Up Forum: Create categories, set up moderation, etc.
  76. Promote Forum: Encourage your visitors to join the conversation in your forum.
  77. Install Reviews and Ratings Plugin: Allow customers to review and rate your products. Service: Site Reviews
  78. Configure Reviews Plugin: Decide where reviews will display, how to moderate them, etc.
  79. Encourage Reviews: Ask your customers to leave reviews of your products.
  80. Install Performance Monitoring Tool: Regularly monitor your site’s performance. Service: New Relic
  81. Regularly Check Performance: Use your tool to find and fix any performance issues.
  82. Regularly Update WordPress: Keeping WordPress up to date helps keep your site secure and functioning properly.
  83. Regularly Update Plugins: Keeping plugins up to date is also important for site security and functionality.
  84. Regularly Update Theme: Theme updates often include new features and security fixes.
  85. Monitor Uptime: Know when your site goes down so you can fix it quickly. Service: UptimeRobot
  86. Regularly Check Uptime: Check your uptime monitoring tool regularly.
  87. Regularly Backup Site: Regularly backing up your site protects your data. Service: VaultPress
  88. Regularly Test Backups: Ensure your backups are working properly.
  89. Regularly Test Site Functions: Regularly test your forms, checkout process, and other functions to ensure everything is working correctly.
  90. Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics

Steps to setup:

  • Sign up for a Google Analytics account.
  • Add your website to your Google Analytics account.
  • Verify your website ownership.
  • Obtain your Google Analytics tracking code.
  • Install a Google Analytics plugin on your WordPress site like MonsterInsights.
  • Insert the Google Analytics tracking code into the plugin settings.
  • Configure the Google Analytics settings as per your requirements.
  • Review the Google Analytics dashboard regularly to analyze your site’s traffic and user behavior.

WordPress Plugins

There are numerous WordPress plugins available that can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your website. Here are the top 10 must-have WordPress plugins for a professional website.

  1. Yoast SEO: This is one of the most popular SEO plugins, designed to help you optimize your website content for search engines.
  2. Jetpack: Jetpack offers a suite of powerful features for your WordPress site including enhanced security, improved site performance, and plenty of content tools.
  3. WooCommerce: If you’re looking to build an online store, WooCommerce is the go-to eCommerce plugin for WordPress.
  4. Contact Form 7: This plugin is great for creating and managing multiple contact forms and has CAPTCHA and Akismet spam filtering.
  5. Akismet Anti-Spam: This plugin helps prevent spam comments on your blog or website.
  6. Wordfence Security: A comprehensive security plugin that includes a firewall, malware scanner, and live traffic monitoring to protect your site from hacking.
  7. WP Rocket: This is a speed optimization plugin that improves the loading time of your WordPress website, making it load faster.
  8. Elementor: A powerful page builder plugin for creating beautiful and responsive website layouts without the need for any coding. Elementor ProElementor

While Elementor is best known as a WordPress page builder, its Pro version has robust features that support sales funnel creation. This includes widgets for pricing tables, call-to-action buttons, forms, and more.

  1. UpdraftPlus: This plugin simplifies backups and restoration, allowing you to backup your files and database into the cloud and restore them with a single click.
  2. Smush: It helps in compressing and optimizing images without compromising their quality for better site performance and speed.

Remember to keep your WordPress plugins up-to-date and remove any that you are not using to maintain the security and performance of your website.

Important Components of a WordPress Website

Creating a WordPress website to sell digital products involves many components to consider. Here’s a list of 101 components along with a recommended tool for each one. I’ve included a URL to learn more about or to access each tool:

  1. Domain: Namecheap (https://www.namecheap.com/)
  2. Hosting: SiteGround (https://www.siteground.com/)
  3. WordPress installation: WordPress.org (https://wordpress.org/)
  4. E-commerce Plugin: WooCommerce (https://woocommerce.com/)
  5. Digital Download Plugin: Easy Digital Downloads (https://easydigitaldownloads.com/)
  6. SEO: Yoast SEO (https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/)
  7. Performance Optimization: WP Rocket (https://wp-rocket.me/)
  8. Security: Wordfence (https://www.wordfence.com/)
  9. Backup: UpdraftPlus (https://updraftplus.com/)
  10. SSL Certificate: Let’s Encrypt (https://letsencrypt.org/)
  11. CDN: Cloudflare (https://www.cloudflare.com/)
  12. WordPress Theme: Astra (https://wpastra.com/)
  13. Page Builder: Elementor (https://elementor.com/)
  14. Contact Forms: Contact Form 7 (https://contactform7.com/)
  15. Email Marketing: MailChimp (https://mailchimp.com/)
  16. Social Media Integration: Social Media Share Buttons (https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/)
  17. Customer Support: LiveChat (https://www.livechat.com/)
  18. User Registration: Ultimate Member (https://ultimatemember.com/)
  19. Payment Gateway: Stripe (https://stripe.com/)
  20. Analytics: Google Analytics (https://analytics.google.com/)
  21. Blogging: Gutenberg (https://wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/)
  22. Forums: bbPress (https://bbpress.org/)
  23. Comments Management: Disqus (https://disqus.com/)
  24. Multilingual Capabilities: WPML (https://wpml.org/)
  25. Image Optimization: ShortPixel (https://shortpixel.com/)
  26. Affiliate Marketing: AffiliateWP (https://affiliatewp.com/)
  27. Customer Reviews: Site Reviews (https://wordpress.org/plugins/site-reviews/)
  28. Search Enhancement: Relevanssi (https://www.relevanssi.com/)
  29. GDPR Compliance: WP GDPR Compliance (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-gdpr-compliance/)
  30. Sitemap: Google XML Sitemaps (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/)
  31. Mobile Optimization: WPtouch (https://www.wptouch.com/)
  32. Video Hosting: Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/)
  33. Podcast Hosting: Podbean (https://www.podbean.com/)
  34. Social Proof: TrustPulse (https://trustpulse.com/)
  35. FAQs: WP FAQ Plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-faqs/)
  36. CRM: HubSpot (https://www.hubspot.com/)
  37. Sales Funnel: CartFlows (https://cartflows.com/)
  38. Landing Pages: SeedProd (https://www.seedprod.com/)
  39. Popup Builder: Popup Maker (https://wppopupmaker.com/)
  40. A/B Testing: Nelio A/B Testing (https://neliosoftware.com/testing/)
  41. Email Popups: OptinMonster (https://optinmonster.com/)
  42. Upselling: Beeketing (https://beeketing.com/)
  43. Cross-Selling: Cross-Sell and Upsell by WISDM (https://wisdmlabs.com/)
  44. Shopping Cart Recovery: YITH WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart (https://yithemes.com/)
  45. Discounts & Coupons: Advanced Coupons (https://advancedcouponsplugin.com/)
  46. Shipping: WooCommerce Shipping (https://woocommerce.com/products/shipping/)
  47. Tax Management: TaxJar (https://www.taxjar.com/)
  48. Inventory Management: TradeGecko (https://www.tradegecko.com/)
  49. Accounting: QuickBooks (https://quickbooks.intuit.com/)
  50. Ticketing System: Awesome Support (https://getawesomesupport.com/)
  1. Sales Reports: Metorik (https://metorik.com/)
  2. Custom Fields: Advanced Custom Fields (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/)
  3. Image Gallery: NextGEN Gallery (https://www.imagely.com/wordpress-gallery-plugin/)
  4. Database Optimization: WP-Optimize (https://getwpo.com/)
  5. Broken Link Checker: Broken Link Checker (https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker/)
  6. File Manager: WP File Manager (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-file-manager/)
  7. Social Logins: Nextend Social Login (https://nextendweb.com/social-login/)
  8. Membership: MemberPress (https://memberpress.com/)
  9. Subscriptions: WooCommerce Subscriptions (https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/)
  10. Documentation: BetterDocs (https://betterdocs.co/)
  11. Product Bundling: YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles (https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-product-bundles/)
  12. Wishlist: YITH WooCommerce Wishlist (https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/)
  13. Gift Cards: YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards (https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-gift-cards/)
  14. Quote Request: YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote (https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-request-a-quote/)
  15. Zoom Integration: Video Conferencing with Zoom (https://wordpress.org/plugins/video-conferencing-with-zoom-api/)
  16. File Uploads: WPForms (https://wpforms.com/)
  17. Front-End Editor: Beaver Builder (https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/)
  18. Website Staging: All-in-One WP Migration (https://servmask.com/)
  19. Redirects: Redirection (https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/)
  20. Google Tag Manager: DuracellTomi’s Google Tag Manager for WordPress (https://wordpress.org/plugins/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/)
  21. Schema Markup: All in One Schema Rich Snippets (https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-schemaorg-rich-snippets/)
  22. User Roles and Capabilities: User Role Editor (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/)
  23. Captcha: Google Captcha (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-captcha/)
  24. Two-Factor Authentication: Two Factor Authentication (https://wordpress.org/plugins/two-factor-authentication/)
  25. Spam Protection: Akismet (https://akismet.com/)
  26. Content Delivery Network (CDN): MaxCDN (https://www.maxcdn.com/)
  27. Caching: W3 Total Cache (https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/)
  28. Hotlink Protection: All In One WP Security & Firewall (https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/)
  29. DDoS Protection: Cloudflare (https://www.cloudflare.com/)
  30. Secure Login: iThemes Security Pro (https://ithemes.com/security/)
  31. Brute Force Attack Protection: Wordfence Security (https://www.wordfence.com/)
  32. Malware Scanning: Sucuri (https://sucuri.net/)
  33. Site Speed Testing: GTmetrix (https://gtmetrix.com/)
  34. Database Backup: BackupBuddy (https://ithemes.com/backupbuddy/)
  35. 404 Monitoring: Rank Math (https://rankmath.com/)
  36. Permalink Structure: Permalink Manager Lite (https://wordpress.org/plugins/permalink-manager/)
  37. XML Sitemap: Google XML Sitemaps (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/)
  38. Robots.txt: Virtual Robots.txt (https://wordpress.org/plugins/pc-robotstxt/)
  39. Google Search Console: Yoast SEO (https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/)
  40. Structured Data Testing: Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP (https://wordpress.org/plugins/schema-and-structured-data-for-wp/)
  41. Landing Page Builder: OptimizePress (https://www.optimizepress.com/)
  42. Exit Intent Technology: OptinMonster (https://optinmonster.com/)
  43. Retargeting: PixelYourSite (https://www.pixelyoursite.com/)
  44. Push Notifications: OneSignal (https://onesignal.com/)
  45. Live Chat Support: Tidio Live Chat (https://www.tidio.com/)
  46. Help Desk: WSDesk (https://www.wsdesk.com/)
  47. Knowledge Base: Helpie WP (https://helpiewp.com/)
  48. User Feedback: Userback (https://www.userback.io/)
  49. CRM Integration: Zoho CRM (https://www.zoho.com/crm/)
  50. Accessibility Compliance: WP Accessibility (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-accessibility/)
  51. Dark Mode: WP Dark Mode (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-dark-mode/)

While this list should give you a comprehensive starting point for your WordPress website, it’s important to remember that not all websites will need every one of these tools. You should carefully consider the specific needs of your own site and your audience before deciding on the tools to use.

Search Engine Optimization

Creating a well-optimized website for selling digital products involves considering several key SEO components. Here is a list of important SEO components to consider and the corresponding tools to assist with each. I have included a URL for each tool:

  1. Keyword Research: SEMrush (https://www.semrush.com/)
  2. On-Page SEO: Yoast SEO (https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/)
  3. SEO Audit: Moz Pro (https://moz.com/)
  4. Backlink Analysis: Ahrefs (https://ahrefs.com/)
  5. Local SEO: BrightLocal (https://www.brightlocal.com/)
  6. Competitor Analysis: SpyFu (https://www.spyfu.com/)
  7. SEO Reporting: AgencyAnalytics (https://agencyanalytics.com/)
  8. SEO Writing: Surfer SEO (https://surferseo.com/)
  9. Technical SEO: Screaming Frog SEO Spider (https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/)
  10. Image SEO: ShortPixel (https://shortpixel.com/)
  11. Video SEO: Tubebuddy (https://www.tubebuddy.com/)
  12. Mobile SEO: Google Mobile-Friendly Test (https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly)
  13. Schema Markup: Schema Pro (https://wpschema.com/)
  14. SEO Performance Tracking: SERanking (https://seranking.com/)
  15. Content Optimization: Clearscope (https://www.clearscope.io/)
  16. Google My Business Management: Whitespark (https://whitespark.ca/)
  17. Page Speed Optimization: WP Rocket (https://wp-rocket.me/)
  18. SEO-friendly URLs: Permalink Manager Pro (https://permalinkmanager.pro/)
  19. Sitemap Generation: Google XML Sitemaps (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/)
  20. Robots.txt: Virtual Robots.txt (https://wordpress.org/plugins/pc-robotstxt/)
  21. Link Building: Linkody (https://www.linkody.com/)
  22. Structured Data Testing: Google’s Rich Results Test (https://search.google.com/test/rich-results)
  23. Voice Search SEO: Speakable Schema Markup (https://schema.org/SpeakableSpecification)
  24. Multilingual SEO: WPML (https://wpml.org/)
  25. E-commerce SEO: WooCommerce SEO by Yoast (https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/yoast-woocommerce-seo/)
  26. SEO-friendly Content Management: Gutenberg Editor (https://wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/)
  27. 404 Errors Monitoring: All in One SEO (https://aioseo.com/)
  28. Google Analytics Integration: MonsterInsights (https://www.monsterinsights.com/)
  29. Google Search Console Integration: Site Kit by Google (https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-site-kit/)
  30. Duplicate Content Checker: Siteliner (https://www.siteliner.com/)
  31. Readability Analysis: Hemingway Editor (http://www.hemingwayapp.com/)
  32. Social Media Optimization: Social Warfare (https://warfareplugins.com/)
  33. Canonical URLs: Rank Math (https://rankmath.com/)
  34. Content Marketing Tools: CoSchedule Headline Analyzer (https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer)
  35. Broken Link Checker: Broken Link Checker (https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker/)
  36. Clean HTML/CSS/JS: Autoptimize (https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/)
  37. Crawl Errors: Google Search Console (https://search.google.com/search-console/about)
  38. SEO Split Testing: Google Optimize (https://optimize.google.com/)
  39. Mobile AMP: AMP for WordPress (https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/)
  40. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): Really Simple SSL (https://really-simple-ssl.com/)
  41. PageSpeed Insights: Google PageSpeed Insights (https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)
  42. User Experience Testing: Hotjar (https://www.hotjar.com/)
  43. Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb NavXT (https://wordpress.org/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/)
  44. Core Web Vitals: Google Core Web Vitals report (https://search.google.com/search-console/core-web-vitals)
  45. Website Accessibility: WP Accessibility (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-accessibility/)
  46. SEO Data Transporter: SEO Data Transporter (https://wordpress.org/plugins/seo-data-transporter/)
  47. Internal Links Optimization: Link Whisper (https://linkwhisper.com/)
  48. Comment Spamming: Akismet (https://akismet.com/)
  49. Online Reputation Management: Yotpo (https://www.yotpo.com/)
  50. Redirections: Redirection (https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/)

Digital products can be created in 3 ways.

  1. If you are an expert or can research effectively, you can create them yourself using product creation tools.
  2. You can hire an expert or interview an expert using a questionnaire and then create a product from that interview.
  3. You can buy readymade digital products based on your topics from high quality private label rights websites or from experts.

 Here are some basic steps you might take to create each type of digital product:

  1. Creating an eBook or Guide
  2. Identify Your Audience: Understand who your target audience is and what type of content they’re interested in. This will help determine the subject of your eBook or guide.
  3. Outline Your Content: Create an outline for your eBook or guide. This should include key points or chapters that you plan to cover.
  4. Draft Content: Write your eBook or guide based on the outline you created. This could involve researching, citing sources, and making sure the information is accurate and valuable.
  5. Design and Format: Use a software tool such as Adobe InDesign or a free tool like Canva to design the layout and format your eBook. This should be visually appealing and easy to read.
  6. Edit and Review: Review your draft for any errors, inconsistencies, or areas of improvement. You may want to hire a professional editor or use editing software like Grammarly.

9 action steps required to create an ebook using ChatGPT software.

  1. Plan your ebook: Before starting, you should have a clear idea of what you want your ebook to be about. This includes the topic, the target audience, the main points you want to cover, etc.
  2. Break down your ebook into sections: You can think of these sections as chapters or topics within your ebook. Each one should cover a different aspect of the main topic. You’ll need to provide these topics as prompts to the GPT-4 model.
  3. Create a prompt for each section: You’ll need to create a detailed, specific prompt for each section or chapter of your book. The more specific your prompt, the more accurately GPT-4 can generate the content you want.
  4. Input your prompt to GPT-4: You can do this through the OpenAI API. You’ll need to have an OpenAI account, and you’ll be charged based on the number of tokens in your prompt and the generated response.
  5. Generate content: GPT-4 will take your prompt and generate a response based on its training. This content can form a section or chapter of your ebook.
  6. Review and edit the generated content: While GPT-4 is a powerful tool, it’s not perfect. You’ll need to review and edit the generated content to make sure it meets your standards and fits within your ebook. This might involve rewriting sections, fixing grammar errors, or changing the structure.
  7. Repeat the process: Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each section or chapter in your ebook.
  8. Compile and format the ebook: Once you have all your content, you’ll need to compile it into an ebook. This involves formatting it so it looks good on ebook readers, adding a table of contents, and creating an attractive cover. There are various software options available for this, such as Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word, or Google Docs.
  9. Distribute the ebook: Finally, you’ll need to distribute your ebook. This could involve selling it on your website, distributing it through an ebook platform like Amazon Kindle, or giving it away as a lead magnet.

Please remember to consider the ethical implications and adhere to the usage policies set forth by OpenAI when using GPT-4 or similar models.

Creating a Video Using an iPhone and Software

  1. Plan Your Video: Before you start filming, you should have a clear idea of what your video will be about. This might involve creating a script or storyboard to guide your shooting.
  2. Set Up Your Equipment: Position your iPhone on a tripod for stability and ensure you have good lighting. You may also need a microphone for better audio quality.
  3. Film Your Video: Use your iPhone to film the video. Make sure the environment is quiet to avoid background noise.
  4. Edit Your Video: Use video editing software like iMovie (which is free on most Apple devices) or Adobe Premiere Pro to edit your footage, or Camtasia Studio by Techsmith, then add effects, text, and sound.
  5. Publish and Share Your Video: Once your video is edited to your satisfaction, you can publish it on platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or your own website.

Creating Software by Outsourcing the Work to a Company Like Upwork.com

  1. Define Your Requirements: Before you can hire a freelancer or agency, you need to have a clear understanding of what you want your software to do. Create a detailed project brief outlining your requirements.
  2. Post a Job on Upwork: Create a job posting on Upwork that describes your project, the skills you’re looking for, your budget, and your timeline.
  3. Review Proposals: Review the proposals you receive from freelancers or agencies. Look for someone who has the right skills, a portfolio of similar work, good reviews, and a fair rate.
  4. Hire and Manage Your Freelancer/Agency: Once you’ve selected your freelancer or agency, hire them through the platform and start managing the project. This will involve regular communication, reviewing work, and providing feedback.
  5. Test and Launch Your Software: Once the software is developed, perform thorough testing to ensure it’s working as expected. Fix any bugs or issues that arise, and then launch your software to the public.


Digital product creation tools used for different types of digital products.

  1. eBook Creation:
  2. Scrivener: A comprehensive tool for organizing and writing your eBook.
  3. Canva: This tool has numerous eBook templates and design elements for creating a visually appealing eBook.
  4. Google Docs: A simple, free tool suitable for drafting and sharing eBook text for collaboration.
  5. Adobe InDesign: This professional tool is perfect for intricate eBook layouts.
  6. Calibre: A free, open-source tool for eBook creation and management, that also allows for eBook conversion in various formats.
  7. Video Creation:
  8. Adobe Premiere Pro: A professional video editing tool.
  9. iMovie: A user-friendly video creation tool available for Apple users.
  10. Filmora: This tool offers a good balance between advanced features and a user-friendly interface.
  11. Camtasia: Perfect for screen recording and light video editing.
  12. Canva: Canva also offers simple video creation and editing features in addition to its design capabilities.
  13. Software/App Creation:
  14. Unity: A flexible and powerful development platform for creating multiplatform 3D and 2D games and interactive experiences.
  15. Xcode: Apple’s IDE that provides everything you need to create amazing apps for all Apple platforms.
  16. Android Studio: The official IDE for Android application development.
  17. Visual Studio: Microsoft’s IDE that supports development in various languages and platforms.
  18. GitHub: Besides version control, GitHub provides features for project management and code collaboration.
  19. Image/Infographic Design:
  20. Canva: A graphic design platform used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content.
  21. Adobe Illustrator: A vector graphics editor and design program developed and marketed by Adobe Inc.
  22. Piktochart: An easy-to-use infographic maker.
  23. Venngage: Another tool offering a wide variety of templates for infographics.
  24. Snappa: This tool provides a simple graphic design software for creating online graphics.

5 Tools Used for Writing Articles Online for Websites or eBook Content:

  1. Chat GPT4: Artificial intelligence tool that is sweeping the world. Ai tool that gives you ideas, helps you as a thinking partner, just ask it for any content, data summaries, action steps to solve problems and much more.
  2. Google Docs: An online tool that allows collaborative editing.
  3. Grammarly: This tool not only checks for grammatical errors but also provides suggestions for writing clarity and conciseness.
  4. Hemingway App: An app that highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors to enhance readability.
  5. Freepdfconvert.com a tool to turn documents etc. into .pdf files and vice versa.

99 Website Traffic Generation Strategies Used By Tutorman

July 10, 2023 by Leo Hokkanen

The most important strategies to advertise or promote a website that sells digital products.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improve your website’s ranking on search engines. Service: Moz
  2. Content Marketing: Share useful content that helps your audience. Service: HubSpot
  3. Social Media Marketing: Promote your products on social media platforms. Service: Hootsuite
  4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Buy visits to your site. Service: Google Ads
  5. Email Marketing: Send promotional emails to your subscribers. Service: Mailchimp
  6. Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers in your niche. Service: AspireIQ
  7. Affiliate Marketing: Let others sell your products for a commission. Service: ShareASale
  8. Guest Posting: Write posts for other blogs to get backlinks. Service: GuestPost.com
  9. Webinars: Host online workshops to promote your products. Service: Zoom
  10. Podcasting: Start a podcast to reach a new audience. Service: Anchor
  11. YouTube Marketing: Create videos to promote your products. Service: YouTube
  12. Instagram Ads: Promote your products on Instagram. Service: Instagram for Business
  13. Facebook Ads: Use Facebook’s ad platform to reach your target audience. Service: Facebook Ads
  14. LinkedIn Ads: Reach professionals with LinkedIn advertising. Service: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
  15. Twitter Ads: Promote your products to Twitter users. Service: Twitter Ads
  16. Reddit Ads: Reach the Reddit community with ads. Service: Reddit Advertising
  17. TikTok Ads: Reach younger audiences with TikTok ads. Service: TikTok for Business
  18. Pinterest Ads: Promote your products to Pinterest users. Service: Pinterest Business
  19. Snapchat Ads: Reach Snapchat’s users with ads. Service: Snapchat for Business
  20. Online Forums: Engage in relevant forums to promote your products. Service: Reddit
  21. Content Syndication: Republish your content on other websites. Service: Taboola
  22. Sponsored Content: Pay for your content to be featured on other websites. Service: Outbrain
  23. Direct Mail: Send physical mail to potential customers. Service: SendinBlue
  24. Public Relations (PR): Get media coverage for your products. Service: Cision
  25. Radio Advertising: Advertise on local or internet radio. Service: iHeartMedia
  26. TV Advertising: Create commercials for your products. Service: Comcast Spotlight
  27. Google Shopping Ads: Display your products in Google’s shopping tab. Service: Google Ads
  28. Amazon Ads: Advertise on the world’s largest ecommerce platform. Service: Amazon Advertising
  29. Bing Ads: Reach users of Microsoft’s search engine. Service: Microsoft Advertising
  30. Quora Ads: Reach the Quora community with ads. Service: Quora for Business
  31. Influencer Marketing Platforms: Connect with influencers to promote your products. Service: Upfluence
  32. Mobile App Ads: Advertise on mobile apps. Service: InMobi
  33. Podcast Advertising: Advertise on popular podcasts. Service: Midroll
  34. Video Advertising: Create video ads for your products. Service: Vimeo
  35. Event Sponsorship: Sponsor events to promote your brand. Service: SponsorMyEvent
  36. Print Advertising: Use traditional print media to reach your audience. Service: Valpak
  37. Outdoor Advertising: Use billboards, transit ads, etc. to reach your audience. Service: Outfront Media
  38. Product Giveaways: Give away your product for free to generate buzz. Service: Rafflecopter
  39. Content Discovery Platforms: Promote your content on other websites. Service: Revcontent
  40. Crowdfunding: Get your audience to fund your product. Service: Kickstarter
  41. Community Building: Create a community around your brand. Service: Discord
  42. SMS Marketing: Send promotional messages to your customers. Service: Twilio
  43. Direct Selling: Sell your products directly to consumers. Service: Shopify
  44. Joint Ventures: Partner with other businesses to promote each other. Service: Partnerships.com
  45. Influencer Marketplace: Find influencers to promote your products. Service: GRIN
  46. Cross-Promotion: Partner with a complementary business to promote each other. Service: CoPromote
  47. Affiliate Networks: Use networks to find affiliates for your products. Service: CJ Affiliate
  48. LinkedIn Networking: Connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Service: LinkedIn
  49. Facebook Groups: Engage in relevant Facebook groups. Service: Facebook
  50. Networking Events: Attend events to promote your business. Service: Meetup
  51. Remarketing: Show ads to people who have visited your site. Service: AdRoll
  52. Local SEO: Improve your local search engine rankings. Service: Yext
  53. Push Notifications: Send notifications to users who have enabled them. Service: OneSignal
  54. Live Chat: Engage with customers in real time. Service: Intercom
  55. User-Generated Content: Encourage customers to share content56. about your products. Service: Yotpo
  56. SMS Gateways: Reach customers through text messages. Service: ClickSend
  57. Media Buying: Purchase ad space on websites, TV, radio, etc. Service: MediaMath
  58. Brand Partnerships: Partner with other brands for mutual benefit. Service: Partnership Marketing Hub
  59. Blogger Outreach: Get bloggers to write about your products. Service: NinjaOutreach
  60. In-App Advertising: Advertise within mobile apps. Service: AppLovin
  61. Display Advertising: Use banner ads on relevant websites. Service: BuySellAds
  62. Native Advertising: Ads that match the look and feel of the media format. Service: Taboola
  63. Programmatic Advertising: Use software to buy digital advertising. Service: The Trade Desk
  64. Contextual Advertising: Show ads based on the user’s context. Service: Google Adsense
  65. Sponsorship: Sponsor events, teams or individuals. Service: SponsorPitch
  66. Web Push Notifications: Send notifications to subscribers when they’re not on your site. Service: PushEngage
  67. User Onboarding: Improve the new user experience to increase conversions. Service: Userpilot
  68. Conversion Rate Optimization: Test and optimize your site for conversions. Service: Optimizely
  69. A/B Testing: Test different versions of your site to see which performs better. Service: VWO
  70. Gamification: Make your marketing strategy more engaging by adding game elements. Service: Badgeville
  71. Podcast Sponsorship: Sponsor a popular podcast. Service: AdvertiseCast
  72. VR/AR Advertising: Advertise in virtual or augmented reality. Service: Unity
  73. Chatbot Marketing: Use chatbots to engage with users. Service: ManyChat
  74. Multilingual SEO: Optimize your site for different languages. Service: Weglot
  75. Mobile Advertising: Advertise on mobile devices. Service: AdMob by Google
  76. QR Codes: Use QR codes to direct users to your site. Service: QR Code Generator
  77. Video Marketing: Use videos to promote your product. Service: Wistia
  78. Referral Marketing: Encourage users to refer others to your site. Service: ReferralCandy
  79. Micro-Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers with a small but dedicated following. Service: HYPR
  80. Personal Branding: Build a strong personal brand. Service: BrandYourself
  81. Retargeting Ads: Show ads to users who have visited your site. Service: Retargeter
  82. Coupon Marketing: Offer coupons to attract new customers. Service: Groupon
  83. Cause Marketing: Partner with a charity to improve brand perception. Service: Pledgeling
  84. Content Curation: Share relevant content from others. Service: Curata
  85. Geofencing: Advertise to users based on their location. Service: Simpli.fi
  86. Digital Out-of-Home Advertising: Advertise on digital billboards, screens, etc. Service: Adomni
  87. Community Engagement: Engage with your community to build trust. Service: FeverBee
  88. Ephemeral Content: Use disappearing content to create urgency. Service: Snapchat
  89. Content Optimization: Optimize your content for search engines. Service: Yoast SEO
  90. Storytelling: Tell compelling stories about your brand. Service: Pixar’s Khan Academy Course
  91. Customer Testimonials: Use testimonials to build trust. Service: Testimonial Engine
  92. Press Releases: Use press releases to share news about your business. Service: PR Newswire
  93. Competitions: Run a competition to generate buzz. Service: Gleam
  94. Influencer Gifting: Send free products to influencers in exchange for promotion. Service: InfluencerBoxes
  95. Data-Driven Marketing: Use data to inform your marketing decisions. Service: Google Analytics
  96. Augmented Reality Experiences: Engage users with AR. Service: Snapchat Lens Studio
  97. Corporate Social Responsibility: Show that your business cares about social issues. Service: Causecast
  98. Co-Branding: Partner with another brand for a joint project. Service: BrandBucket
  99. Direct Response Marketing: Encourage immediate action from your audience. Service: Unbounce

Writing Advertisements/Scripts

As a marketer using tools and resources can shortcut the time it takes to meet with success.

I am going to end this blueprint by showing you how I create content, namely paid advertisements using ChatGPT4, and here are my advertisements created with artificial intelligence.

You can do the same not only for ads, but for all kinds of content.

CHatGPT also helped me in creating this blueprint for you in just a few hours!


My prompt for ChatGPT4

Create a list of all the action steps to create Facebook or Meta advertisements for targeting new marketers who want to sell digital products or promote affiliate opportunities online by sending the traffic to my website at URL https://tutorman.com please include information about selecting how much text is the optimal amount to include in the ad, and what type of images or videos would get the best results. Please create a perfect text ad for Facebook ads after the list of action steps. Make it a perfect example of text advertisement on Facebook ads manager that targets new marketers who want to promote a business opportunity a an affiliate or to sell digital products online? If you need and ideas, you can visit my website, URL at https://tutorman.com for keywords and relevant content information.

ChatGPT4 Response

Sure, let’s walk through the process of creating a Facebook ad:

  1. Create a Facebook Business Manager Account: If you haven’t already, sign up for a Facebook Business Manager account here.
  2. Define Your Objective: Consider what you want to achieve with this ad campaign. Facebook offers several objectives like “Traffic”, “Conversions”, “Lead Generation”, etc.
  3. Name Your Campaign: Choose a name that represents the goal of your campaign for easy tracking.
  4. Choose Your Audience: You can specify your target audience based on location, age, gender, languages, interests, behaviors, etc. You can target people interested in digital marketing, online business, and affiliate marketing.
  5. Select Your Ad Placements: Facebook allows you to choose where your ads will be displayed. This can include Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, or Messenger.
  6. Set Your Budget & Schedule: Determine your daily or lifetime budget and set the schedule for your ads to run.
  7. Create Your Ad: Choose the ad format that suits your objective. For your case, you might choose a single image, carousel, video, or slideshow ad.
  8. Design Your Ad: Add a high-quality image or video that’s engaging and represents your services. Images with less text perform better on Facebook. If you’re using a video, it should ideally be less than 2 minutes for optimal engagement.
  9. Write Your Ad Text: You’ll need a primary text (up to 125 characters), headline (up to 40 characters), and link description (up to 30 characters).

For example, a suitable ad text might be:

  • Primary text: “Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Explore our premium digital products and affiliate opportunities at Tutorman.”
  • Headline: “Become a Successful Online Marketer with Tutorman”
  • Link Description: “Start Your Journey Today”
  1. Add a Call-to-Action (CTA): A CTA button like “Learn More” or “Shop Now” can encourage people to click on your ad.
  2. Submit Your Ad for Review: Once you’ve set everything up, submit your ad. Facebook will review it to ensure it complies with their ad policies.
  3. Monitor Your Ad Performance: Use Facebook Ads Manager to analyze the performance of your ads. Depending on the results, adjust your campaign as needed.

Remember, creating a successful Facebook ad requires testing and optimization. Try out different ad texts, images, or videos, monitor their performance, and adjust as necessary. Be sure to align your ads with your website content for consistency and better conversion.


My prompt for ChatGPT4

Create a list of all the action steps to create Google advertisements for targeting new marketers who want to sell digital products or promote affiliate opportunities online by sending the traffic to my website at URL https://tutorman.com please include information about selecting how much text is the optimal amount to include in the ad to get the best results and what would be a perfect example of text advertisement on Google that targets new marketers who want to promote a business opportunity a an affiliate or to sell digital products online?

ChatGPT4 Response

Creating a Google Ad campaign can be an effective way to reach new marketers who are interested in selling digital products or promoting affiliate opportunities online. Here are the steps to create a Google Ad, including advice on optimal ad text length and an example of a perfect text ad:

  1. Create a Google Ads Account: If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Google Ads account here.
  2. Define Your Goals: Define your ad campaign objectives such as driving website visits, generating leads, or increasing online sales.
  3. Set Up Your Campaign: Navigate to the Campaigns tab and click “+ New Campaign”.
  4. Select Your Campaign Goal: Select a goal that aligns with your campaign objectives, e.g., “Sales,” “Leads,” or “Website Traffic”.
  5. Select Your Campaign Type: For a text-based ad, you’ll likely want to choose “Search Network”.
  6. Define Your Target Audience: Specify your audience through relevant keywords. For your case, you may want to target keywords related to digital marketing, online business, and affiliate marketing.
  7. Set Your Budget: Define your daily budget.
  8. Create Your Ad Group: Ad groups contain related keywords and ads.
  9. Choose Your Keywords: These are the words or phrases that trigger your ads. Use relevant keywords that new marketers might use when searching for digital products or affiliate opportunities.
  10. Create Your Ad: Write a headline, display URL (https://tutorman.com), and description. For search ads, you have:
  • Headline 1: Up to 30 characters
  • Headline 2: Up to 30 characters
  • Description: Up to 90 characters

An example of a text ad might be:

  • Headline 1: Become an Online Marketer Today
  • Headline 2: Learn with Tutorman’s Courses
  • Description: Explore premium digital products & affiliate opportunities. Visit Tutorman.com & kickstart your marketing journey now!
  1. Set Your Bid Strategy: Define how you will bid in auctions. You can set your bid manually, or let Google Ads set them for you with an automated bid strategy.
  2. Review and Launch Your Campaign: Review all your settings. Once you’re satisfied, click the “Publish” button to launch your campaign.

Remember to monitor your campaign’s performance regularly and adjust it as necessary. Google Ads provides detailed analytics that can help you understand how your campaign is performing and where improvements can be made. Test different ad variations to determine what resonates most with your target audience.


My prompt for ChatGPT4

Create a list of all the action steps to create Youtube video advertisements for targeting new marketers who want to sell digital products or promote affiliate opportunities online by sending the traffic to my website at URL https://tutorman.com

Please include information about the popular types of video ads to use and for those viewers browsing youtube who are in research mode to learn ‘how to’ content on topics like marketing and making money online.

Tell me what is the optimal length of a video that gives the watcher the solution with content and a call to Action.

Include your best ideas.

ChatGPT4 Response

Creating YouTube ads involves several steps, from creating your video to setting up your campaign on Google Ads. Here are the necessary steps:

  1. Create a Google Ads Account: If you don’t already have one, sign up for a Google Ads account here.
  2. Create Your Video: For people in research mode, educational and informative videos perform best. Video lengths can vary, but aim for 2-3 minutes for video discovery ads or 6 seconds to 2 minutes for in-stream ads. Your video should quickly grab attention in the first few seconds and provide valuable content throughout, ending with a clear call to action.
  3. Upload Your Video to YouTube: You’ll need to have your video on your YouTube channel to use it for advertising.
  4. Start a New Campaign in Google Ads: Log in to Google Ads and click on the “+ New Campaign” button.
  5. Choose Your Goal: Select “Leads” or “Website traffic” as your campaign goal.
  6. Select Video as Your Campaign Type: This will let you access YouTube ads.
  7. Choose Your Video Ad Format: In-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, and video discovery ads are the main types. For your target audience, in-stream ads (both skippable and non-skippable) can be very effective.
  8. Define Your Audience: You can define your target audience by interests, age, gender, location, etc.
  9. Select Your Video: Paste the URL of the video you want to use for your ad.
  10. Set Your Bid: Decide how much you’re willing to pay each time someone interacts with your ad.
  11. Set Your Budget: Choose the amount you want to spend each day or over the life of the campaign.
  12. Create Your Video Ad: This includes the final URL (https://tutorman.com), display URL, and Call to Action text.
  13. Review and Launch Your Campaign: After setting everything, review the settings and launch your campaign.

Give a perfect example of a video advertisement script for Youtube ads that targets new marketers who want to promote a business opportunity as an affiliate or to sell digital products online? The length of the video script must be 500 words in length minimum. You can get keyword and content ideas from Tutorman.com at website URL https://tutorman.com Remember to use the word Tutorman in your script 20 times.


Sure, here’s an expanded script that integrates the Tutorman name more frequently and is more catered towards new marketers looking to promote business opportunities or sell digital products:

[Scene: A graphic of a world map being drawn and populated with small, glowing nodes]

Narrator: “In the world of digital marketing, there’s one name you need to remember – Tutorman. At Tutorman, we specialize in coaching new marketers on how to sell digital products and promote affiliate opportunities online.”

[Scene: Footage of the Tutorman website and digital products]

Narrator: “Tutorman offers a variety of digital products, designed by industry experts. Each product is a roadmap, guiding you step by step towards success in the vast digital marketplace.”

[Scene: Clips of people learning from a computer]

Narrator: “But that’s not all. At Tutorman, we provide extensive coaching services. Are you new to marketing? No problem. Tutorman is designed for beginners.”

[Scene: Transition to the website interface with the courses and coaching sessions]

Narrator: “Join the Tutorman community and unlock access to our library of resources. Learn from the best at your own pace with Tutorman’s online courses. With Tutorman, the world of digital marketing is at your fingertips.”

[Scene: Clips of people working on their laptops, participating in video calls, and taking notes]

Narrator: “Tutorman understands that success in digital marketing means keeping up with the latest trends. That’s why Tutorman is always ahead of the curve, offering courses on the newest strategies in digital marketing and online sales.”

[Scene: A shot of a person scrolling through a success stories section on the Tutorman website]

Narrator: “Tutorman’s proven strategies have helped countless new marketers to boost their online presence and sales. You could be our next success story.”

[Scene: Various screen captures showing community interactions on Tutorman’s platform]

Narrator: “By joining Tutorman, you’re not just getting access to resources and coaching – you’re joining a community. At Tutorman, we believe that we learn best when we learn together.”

[Scene: The Tutorman logo on a bright, inviting background]

Narrator: “So, if you’re looking to break into digital marketing, if you want to sell digital products or promote affiliate opportunities, remember one name – Tutorman.”

[Scene: Montage of previously shown scenes, concluding with the call-to-action screen]

Narrator: “Tutorman – your guide, your community, your partner in success. Visit Tutorman.com and start your journey today.”

[Scene: Ending scene showing the website, the URL, and the call-to-action button with the words “Join Us Today”]

Narrator: “Remember, the world of digital marketing waits for no one. But with Tutorman by your side, you won’t just keep up – you’ll lead the way. Visit Tutorman.com today, and let’s conquer the digital world together.”

This expanded script is about 500 words and uses the word ‘Tutorman’ 20 times, emphasizing the brand throughout the video ad. As with any advertisement, ensure the video is professionally made, engaging, and aligns well with the script.

This is one answer and the following advertisement is created by a human.

If your a new marketer, then here’s a marketing secret you can use online right now!

Tutorman here 🙂 

 7 figure marketer and what I am about to show you,
allowed me to take my new business from
zero to $10,000 a month,
working just an hour a day from anywhere…

And that’s without having to become an influencer and
without having to write a book,

and without having to be on my phone all day!

My Marketing secret is this:

Instead of posting on social media every day,
instead of direct messaging people, and
instead of having to upload videos to Youtube every day,

I was able to take my coaching business from zero to $10,000 a month, working just an hour a day… Using this marketing secret…

So what is the marketing secret?

‘Nothing sells like results’
‘Nothing sells like results’, here’s what I mean.

It means that instead of marketing, by telling people about yourself and how good you are,

Instead, just show them what you can do!

Like for instance, what results can you show?

What Live Demonstration can you do, which proves
your worth as a coach or consultant?

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The top 3 marketing strategies to scale an existing online business that is struggling to be profitable with it’s online marketing strategy.

Strategy Description Tools Action Steps
1. Content Marketing This approach involves creating and sharing online material such as blogs, videos, and social media posts that do not explicitly promote a brand but are intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. WordPress, Hootsuite, Canva

1. Identify your target audience. 2. Create a content strategy. 3. Develop engaging and educational content. 4. Promote your content through social media, email marketing, SEO, etc.  5. Measure and analyze the performance of your content.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine will show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword. This can drive high-quality traffic to your site. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Yoast SEO 1. Perform keyword research to understand what your audience is searching for. 2. Optimize your website’s on-page SEO elements (e.g., meta tags, URL structure, content).  3. Build high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.  4. Regularly produce high-quality, SEO-optimized content.  5. Monitor your SEO performance using analytics tools.
3. Email Marketing Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to promote your business’s products or services. It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers. Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber 1. Build an email list through lead generation tactics.  2. Segment your email list based on customer characteristics and behaviors.  3. Design engaging email content tailored to each segment.  4. Send out regular newsletters, promotional offers, and personalized messages.  5. Test different email elements (e.g., subject lines, call-to-actions) and measure the performance.

Please note that while the strategies listed above can be effective, their success largely depends on your execution and consistency. Always ensure that the strategies are adapted to your business and audience’s specific needs and interests.

3 paid advertising strategies to scale an existing online business that is struggling to be profitable.

Strategy Description Tools Action Steps
1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising PPC is a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to earn those visits organically. Google Ads is one of the most popular platforms for PPC. Google Ads, Bing Ads 1. Identify your target audience.  2. Conduct keyword research.  3. Create compelling advertisements.  4. Set up your PPC campaign in the platform of your choice.  5. Monitor and optimize your campaigns for better performance.
2. Social Media Advertising Social media advertising allows you to directly reach your audience on the platforms where they’re spending a lot of time. These platforms have advanced targeting options that allow you to tailor your ads to the audience that you really want to reach. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads 1. Identify the most relevant social media platform for your business.  2. Define your target audience.  3. Create engaging ad content.  4. Set up your ad campaign in the chosen social media platform.  5. Monitor and adjust your campaigns to improve results.
3. Influencer Marketing This strategy involves partnering with influential people in your industry and having them promote your business to their followers. This can be an effective way to reach a larger or more engaged audience. AspireIQ, Heepsy, Upfluence 1. Identify influencers who align with your brand.  2. Reach out to them with a collaboration proposal.  3. Agree on terms (e.g., content, compensation).  4. Have the influencer promote your business or product.  5. Measure the campaign’s performance and adjust as needed.

Please note that while these strategies can be effective, their success largely depends on your execution and consistency. Always ensure that the strategies are adapted to your business and audience’s specific needs and interests.


As we journey towards the end of our blueprint, we would like to reaffirm that Tutorman Blueprint is more than just a program—it’s your coach, your guide, and your mentor to start and grow a successful online business. It’s a proven 3-step program designed to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence you need to overcome challenges, drive your venture forward, and achieve your dreams.

Throughout this journey, we’ve navigated through the 12 crucial keys to establishing and growing a successful digital product business. We’ve explored the power of visualization, the importance of defining a unique value proposition, the necessity of comprehensive market research, the art of product development, and the strategies for effective marketing and promotion. We’ve discussed the importance of customer engagement, the intricacies of pricing strategy and monetization, the need for seamless payment processing, the potential for scalability, and the power of data analytics.

We’ve also learned that using a proven multimillion-dollar website structure can significantly enhance your online business. Plus, we’ve highlighted how a reward system can incentivize affiliates and influencers to expand your customer base.

But remember, the journey doesn’t end here. Building a successful digital product business is a continuous process of learning, adapting, and focusing on your customers. Staying updated with industry trends, being open to feedback, and innovating are key to staying competitive and delivering value to your customers.

Now, we invite you to take the next step—join the Tutorman Blueprint and transform your business dreams into reality. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to grow, we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for taking the time to learn with us. We’re excited to see where your journey takes you, and we’re ready to help you navigate the path to success.

Here’s to your success,


Building a Profitable Coaching Business Online Step-by-Step

In today’s digital age, starting and growing a coaching business online has become an enticing opportunity for entrepreneurs. With the right strategies and tools, you can turn your passion and expertise into a lucrative online venture. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to set up a professional website that sells coaching services and digital products using WordPress.

1. Choose Your Domain: Selecting a domain that reflects your brand identity is the first step. Your domain is your online address, so make it memorable and relevant to your coaching business.

2. Register Your Domain: Purchase your chosen domain through a reputable domain registrar like GoDaddy or Namecheap. Ensure you own the rights to your domain.

3. Select a Hosting Provider: Choose a reliable hosting provider for your WordPress site. Services like Wealthy Affiliate and Bluehost are known for their excellent hosting services.

4. Sign Up for Hosting: Select a hosting plan that suits your business needs and budget.

5. Install WordPress: Most hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installations, making it easy to set up your website.

6. Set Up Business Email: Establish a professional email address using your domain. This adds credibility to your coaching business.

7. Pick a WordPress Theme: Choose a theme that suits a coaching website’s aesthetics and functionality. Themes from Themeforest, such as GeneratePress, are known for their speed, stability, and accessibility.

8. Install Your Theme: Upload and activate your chosen theme within your WordPress dashboard.

9. Customize Your Theme: Adjust the theme’s design elements to align with your brand.

10. Set Up Essential Pages: Create important pages like “Home,” “About,” “Services,” and “Contact” to provide information to your visitors.

11. Write Home Page Content: Clearly communicate what you offer and how your coaching services or digital products can help potential clients.

12. Write About Page Content: Share your personal story, credentials, and what sets you apart as a coach.

13. Detail Coaching Services: Create dedicated pages for each coaching service you offer, outlining their benefits and features.

14. Detail Coaching Products: For digital products, create product pages that include images, descriptions, and pricing details.

15. Install SEO Plugin: Enhance your website’s search engine visibility with plugins like Yoast SEO.

16. Configure SEO Plugin: Set up metadata and sitemaps to improve your website’s ranking in search engine results.

17. Research Keywords: Identify relevant keywords your potential clients are searching for, and incorporate them into your content.

18. Optimize Content for SEO: Ensure your website content is keyword-rich and optimized for search engines.

19. Install Security Plugin: Protect your site from potential threats using security plugins like Wordfence.

20. Set Up Website Backups: Regularly back up your website using tools like UpdraftPlus to prevent data loss.

21. Set Up Google Analytics: Track your website’s traffic and performance using Google Analytics.

22. Connect Site to Google Search Console: Monitor and optimize your site’s presence in Google search results.

23. Install Contact Form Plugin: Allow potential clients to reach out easily using plugins like Contact Form 7.

24. Create a Contact Form: Customize your contact form to collect relevant information.

25. Place Contact Form on Contact Page: Embed the contact form on your “Contact” page for easy access.

26. Install Social Sharing Plugin: Enable visitors to share your content on social media with plugins like AddToAny.

27. Set Up Social Sharing Buttons: Customize the appearance and placement of social sharing buttons.

28. Install E-commerce Plugin: If selling digital products, use e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce to enable online sales.

29. Configure E-commerce Plugin: Set up payment options, shipping, taxes, and product listings.

30. Add Digital Products to Store: Include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and pricing information for your digital products.

31. Set Up Payment Processor: Enable secure payment processing through services like Stripe or PayPal.

32. Install SSL Certificate: Secure your site and build trust with visitors by adding an SSL certificate (usually provided by your hosting service).

33. Create a Blog: Establish a blog to share your insights and attract visitors to your site.

34. Write & Publish Initial Blog Posts: Craft informative and engaging blog posts that showcase your expertise.

35. Install Mailing List Plugin: Collect email addresses for marketing purposes using plugins like MailChimp for WordPress.

36. Create Mailing List: Set up an email list within your chosen email marketing platform.

37. Set Up Email Opt-in Form: Embed an email opt-in form on your site to capture visitor information.

38. Create Email Welcome Series: Craft automated welcome emails for new subscribers.

39. Install Live Chat Plugin: Offer real-time support to visitors with plugins like Tidio Live Chat.

40. Configure Live Chat: Set your availability hours and automate messages.

41. Create FAQ Page: Anticipate and answer potential questions from visitors with a dedicated FAQ page.

42. Install Appointment Booking Plugin: Allow clients to book coaching sessions directly from your website using plugins like Bookly.

43. Set Up Booking System: Include your availability, session types, and pricing.

44. Test Booking System: Ensure that the booking system functions correctly.

45. Create Testimonials Page: Display reviews and testimonials from past clients to build trust.

46. Gather & Add Testimonials: Request and add testimonials to your website.

47. Link Social Media Accounts: Include links to your social media profiles for easy access.

48. Install Image Optimization Plugin: Optimize images to improve site speed with plugins like Smush.

49. Optimize Images: Reduce image file sizes to enhance page loading times.

50. Test Site Speed: Check your site’s loading speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

51. Improve Site Speed: Implement recommendations from speed tests to make improvements.

52. Test Site on Various Devices: Ensure your site is responsive and looks good on desktop, mobile, and tablets.

53. Make Adjustments for Mobile: Optimize your site’s appearance and functionality for mobile users.

54. Install Caching Plugin: Speed up your site by using caching plugins like W3 Total Cache.

55. Configure Caching Plugin: Set up caching for optimal performance.

56. Set Up a Privacy Policy Page: Include a privacy policy to maintain transparency with visitors.

57. Install GDPR Plugin: Ensure GDPR compliance using plugins like GDPR Cookie Consent.

58. Configure GDPR Plugin: Set up cookie consent and other GDPR requirements.

59. Install Accessibility Plugin: Improve site accessibility for users with disabilities with plugins like WP Accessibility.

60. Improve Site Accessibility: Implement accessibility improvements based on plugin recommendations.

61. Create Sitemap: Generate a sitemap to help search engines crawl your site using plugins like Google XML Sitemaps.

62. Submit Sitemap to Google: Submit your sitemap to Google through Google Search Console.

63. Display Social Media Feeds: Showcase your latest social media posts on your site using plugins like Smash Balloon.

64. Configure Social Media Feed: Customize how and where your social media feed will be displayed.

65. Create Media Kit: Develop a media kit to attract collaborations and sponsorships.

66. Add Media Kit to Site: Upload your media kit and provide a link to it on your site.

67. Create Press Page: Highlight any media coverage you’ve received on a dedicated press page.

68. Add Press Page to Site: Upload press features and include a link to your press page on your website.

69. Install Membership Plugin: If offering memberships, use plugins like MemberPress to manage them effectively.

70. Set Up Membership Levels: Determine different membership levels and what each includes.

71. Configure Membership Plugin: Set up payment options, membership pages, and other necessary settings.

72. Add Affiliate Program: Allow others to promote your products through an affiliate program using plugins like AffiliateWP.

73. Configure Affiliate Program: Set commission rates, payout methods, and program details.

74. Promote Affiliate Program: Create a dedicated page on your site explaining your affiliate program and how to join.

75. Install Forum Plugin: Create a community forum if needed, using plugins like bbPress.

76. Set Up Forum: Create categories, set up moderation, and encourage community participation.

77. Promote Forum: Engage visitors and encourage them to participate in forum discussions.

78. Install Reviews and Ratings Plugin: Allow customers to review and rate your coaching services or digital products with plugins like Site Reviews.

79. Configure Reviews Plugin: Decide where reviews will be displayed and establish moderation rules.

80. Encourage Reviews: Request reviews from satisfied customers and display them on your website.

81. Install Performance Monitoring Tool: Monitor your site’s performance regularly using tools like New Relic.

82. Regularly Check Performance: Use performance insights to identify and fix any issues.

83. Regularly Update WordPress: Keep your WordPress installation up to date for security and functionality.

84. Regularly Update Plugins: Ensure that all installed plugins are up to date for optimal performance and security.

85. Regularly Update Theme: Stay current with theme updates to access new features and security fixes.

86. Monitor Uptime: Track your site’s uptime to quickly address any downtime issues using tools like UptimeRobot.

87. Regularly Check Uptime: Frequently review uptime reports to ensure your site is accessible.

88. Regularly Backup Site: Regularly back up your website to safeguard your data using services like VaultPress.

89. Regularly Test Backups: Periodically test your backups to confirm their functionality.

90. Regularly Test Site Functions: Conduct routine tests on forms, checkout processes, and other site functions to ensure they work correctly.

91. Implement Google Analytics: Leverage Google Analytics to gain insights into user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates.

92. Optimize Based on Data: Use data-driven insights to optimize your marketing campaigns, product features, and user experience.

93. A Proven Multimillion-Dollar Website: Consider using a proven website structure and sales funnel to guide visitors from initial interest to conversion.

94. Affiliate Marketing or Reward System: Implement an affiliate marketing program to expand your customer base and collaborate with top affiliates and influencers.

95. Stay Informed: Building a successful digital coaching business requires continuous learning, adaptation, and a customer-centric approach. Stay updated with industry trends and embrace feedback to continuously innovate and deliver value to your clients.

96. Monitor Data Analytics and Optimization: Leverage data analytics tools to gather insights on user behavior, engagement, and conversion rates. Use this data to make informed adjustments and maximize the profitability of your online coaching business.

97. Price Strategically: Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with the value your coaching services and digital products offer. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing.

98. Ensure Seamless Payment Processing: Provide a secure and convenient payment processing system for your clients. Integrate reliable payment gateways that support various payment methods.

99. Plan for Scalability and Growth: Design your coaching business infrastructure to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate growth. Anticipate future demand and plan for scalability in terms of server capacity, customer support, and backend systems.

100. Paid Advertising: Utilize paid video advertisements, search engine ads, and social media ads, including remarketing, to accelerate the growth of your online coaching business.

In conclusion, building a profitable coaching business online requires careful planning, diligent execution, and a commitment to ongoing improvement. By following these 100 action steps when setting up your WordPress website, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful digital coaching business that helps clients achieve their goals and dreams. Remember, success in the online coaching industry comes with dedication, innovation, and a focus on delivering exceptional value to your clients.

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